Se puede descargar mis articulos desde mi página de Researchgate:
Beyond usability: time for a change in the product development approach(Link)
International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors. Volume 2, pages 951-953.!
Enhancing Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Logotherapy: Techniques for clinical practice. Matti Ameli,Frank Dattilio (universidad de Harvard)(Link)
Psychotherapy. Vol 50(3), Sep 2013, 387-391.
Integrating Logotherapy with Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A Worthy Challenge
Springer Chapter
Logotherapy and Existential Analysis
Volume 1 of the series Logotherapy and Existential Analysis: Proceedings of the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna pp 197-217, April 2016
Reason, Meaning, and Resilience in the Treatment of Depression: Logotherapy as a Bridge Between Cognitive-Behavior Therapy and Positive Psychology
Springer Chapter
Clinical Perspectives on Meaning
pP 223-244, December 2016
Contribución al libro " Hearth to Heart: Sparks and Flavours of Meaningful Living", publicado por el Instituto de Logoterapia de Ottawa (Canada).
Contribución al libro " Carried by the Spirit : our heart sings. Discerning Meaning during the COVID-19 Pandemic", publicado por el Instituto de Logoterapia de Ottawa (Canada).
Mi capitulo titulado " The therapist facing the Coronovirus Pandemic" se centra en proponer ideas para implementar la Logoterapia como terapia especifica y como adjunto a la Terapia Racional Emotiva Conductual (TREC) para ayudar a los psicoterapeutas a afrontar mejor la pandemia.
Optimal Sense-Making and Resilience in Times of Pandemic: Integrating Rationality and Meaning in Psychotherapy. Pninit Russo-Netzer, Matti Ameli
Front. Psychol., 30 March 2021